Getting the staff's instrument name

In order to let the user play only left or right hand, I wanted to provide a small window on which the user could simply select the part he wanted. I had in mind to provide a similar user interface as the one from Etude. The following image was more or less what I wanted to provide:

Image from Etude showing the hand selection window

With lilypond, it is possible to name the staves. For example, on the following example, the first stave is named "Pit" and the second one "Herr"

Showing names for staves

I wanted to reuse these names (thus extract them from the music sheet) in the select part window. Note: I didn't implemented the "select part" option in the player.

To do so, I simply got them from the event listener. We already saw how we got the staff number, when receiving a note head event. Lilypond also provides a function get-instrument-name which can be called at the same place. That way, it is possible to know which name (if any) correspond to a specific staff number, and therefore provide the functionality of letting the user select a part of music by the instrument name.

The code look as follow:

#(define (save-staff-number-instrument-name staff-number context)
     (output-to-table-file (ly:format "~a ~a"
                      (get-instrument-name context))))

#(define (on-note-head engraver grob source-engraver)
   (let* ((context  (ly:translator-context source-engraver))

      (root-context (object-address (ly:context-property-where-defined context 'instrumentName)))
      (staff-number (get-staff-number root-context))

      (save-staff-number-instrument-name staff-number context)

\layout {
  \context {

    \consists #(make-engraver
         ((note-head-interface engraver grob source-engraver)
          (on-note-head engraver grob source-engraver))))

In hindsight, this part was probably useless, because no ones ever set the names of these staves in a music sheet.